Epoxy modeling paste

HARD EPO 600 is a bicomponent epoxy paste, developed to be used in the automotive, aeronautic, naval industry, among other industries that need dimensional stability, manual processing, and a good finishing.


Non-abrasive material
Dimensional stability
Excellent machinability
Easy manual processing


Construction of models and negatives for the automotive, aeronautic, naval industry, among other industries.

Repair of parts in resin and PU boards.

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EPO 600 Kit

  • Plastic package 3 kg
  • Color: beige
  • Density at 25°C: 0.43 – 0.48 g/cm³
  • Hardness: 50 – 60 Shore D
  • Mixture ratio: 100 g of resin: 50 g of hardener
  • Demolding time 15 – 20h
  • Maximum recommended thickness: 40 mm
  • Shelf life: 12 months

Processing Instructions

  • Add the proportional quantity of hardener to the resin, mixing it carefully with your hands (wear protection gloves), until the mass obtains total color uniformity. A mechanical stirrer can be used for large quantities.
  • Product is cured at room temperature and can be applied manually or with the assistance of a spreader.
  • The material and processing temperature should be within 20 and 25°C.
  • The perfect mixing between components A and B is essential to achieve the material maximum performance.
  • After the work is finished, the package should be immediately closed and the remaining product should be used as soon as possible.
  • Porous surfaces should be sealed before applying the product.
  • The mixture ratio according to the instructions.

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