Epoxy modeling paste – Resin CP 6070 + Hardener CP 6070

Epoxy modeling paste

Bicomponent epoxy system for modeling. CP 6070 paste can be applied on a lower supporting structure to generate a machining-ready model. The paste is ideal to produce large models and molds.


Less waste (in comparison to plates)
Quick and easy repair
Uniform, plain surface, and with no bonding lines
Quick and easy machining, with low dust
Quick and easy application
Layer with thickness up to 40 mm, without grooves in vertical surfaces
Supporting structure with very light and inexpensive materials, such as EPS and low-density plate materials
Excellent dimensional stability
Low exothermy
Indicated for pieces of large areas
Can be machined 24 h after application


Production of large models and molds for machining

  • Commercial Data
  • Technical Data
  • How to Use
  • Downloads
  • Package
  • Resin CP 6070 – 32 kg and 130 kg
  • Hardener CP 6070 – 32 kg and 130 kg
  • Mixture Ratio: 100:100
  • Work time (25°C, 1000 ml): 30 – 40 min
  • Maximum recommended thickness: 40 mm
  • Machining time: 24h
  • Color: brown
  • The product should be kept in its original package, keeping it completely sealed and at room temperature (15 – 30°C). The product will maintain its validity if properly stored, as stated in the package label.


  • The material processing temperature should be within 20 – 25°, never below 18°C.
  • Check the mixture ratio before and start application.
  • Ensure a constant supply of compressed air.
  • The higher the hose, the higher the material pressure.
  • Avoid applying layers thicker than 40 mm. For thicker layers, it is recommended to apply a second layer only after the first layer is gelled.

Budget for companies

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