Impermeabilizante Hard Defense Flex

Acrylic Polymer for flexible waterproofing

Hard Defense Flex is an Acrylic Polymer-based waterproofing that results in a flexible, waterproofing and monolithic membrane when mixed with cement.

It is indicated to be used for substrates with moderate movement such as, for example: bathrooms, kitchens and laundries.

Goodbye infiltrations

Its application results in a waterproofing and flexible m membrane, which withstands movements and thus decreases the risk of possible infiltrations.

Work ready with more agility

The total cure occurs in only 24 hours, thus assuring higher agility to release the waterproofed area.

Low consumption

Its yield is only 0.6 kg/m2. For environments that need structuring screen, its consumption is of 0.8 kg/m2.

Hard Group

Company with more than 36 years as national reference in the markets of metallic and precast construction, civil construction, modeling, prototype, and tooling industry. Based in the city of Joinville – Santa Catarina.


Cure in 24 hours
Low consumption
Accepts ceramic coating
Applied as a waterproof cement membrane, it results in an excellent base for membranes with HARD-DEFENSE ELASTIC.






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Bucket 18 Kg


Chemical base: Acrylic Polymer
Viscosity: 30 to 150 cps
Density: 0.95 to 1.05 g/cm³
Solid: 21 to 22%
pH: 8 to 10 Ph
VCO – SCAQMD Method 304-91: 17.25 g/l


Shelf life: 12 Month
Storage temperature: 10 to 35°C
Work temperature: Up to 80°C
Application temperature – substrate: 5 to 35°C

Check the surface where the product will be applied





Cleaning: The surface that will receive the Membrane should be free from grease, oil, and be dry, clean and leveled with mortar of good resistance.

Check the area: Check the substrate conditions, and in the case it is releasing particles and with low adhesion, the Prime Coat should be performed, according to the instruction below.





Primer preparation: Mix it at a ratio of 1:1:1 (1 part of Hard Defense Flex + 1 part of cement + 1 part of water).



Apply the primer: Mix this ration and apply in one layer on the surface. Do not let the solution to pool in the substrate, application can be made with broad brush, roller, or brush.

Do not let the solution to pool in the substrate, application can be made with broad brush, roller, or brush.



Ratio preparation


STEP 1: The ratio to apply the membrane should be 1:2, that is, 1 (one) part of HARD-DEFENSE FLEX and 2 (two) parts of CPII cement without lumps.



STEP 2: Put the ratio of products to be prepared in a clean container, mix it mechanically 3 to 5 minutes until a homogeneous mix without lumps is obtained.






Application without structuring screen – (3 Coats)



STEP 1: Apply it with a brush or a broad brush beginning by the strainers and baseboards (without structuring screen);

On baseboards, application should be at least 10 cm on the floor and 10 cm on the wall;


On strainers, cover 40 cm x 40 cm and 5 cm in the PVC pipe inner part.

STEP 2: Apply in a way to paint the entire floor and wall area with the brush, wool roller with height of 19 mm or broad brush, (without structuring screen).


STEP 3: Apply the 3rd coat;

Important: always dampen the brush, broad brush, or roller with the mixture, in order to assure a good coating in each coat. Apply crossed coat.



Application WITH structuring screen – (4 Coats)




STEP 1: Apply it with a brush or a broad brush beginning by the strainers and baseboards (without structuring screen);

On baseboards, application should be at least 10 cm on the floor and 10 cm on the wall;


On strainers, cover 40 cm x 40 cm and 5 cm in the PVC pipe inner part. (Without structuring screen)

STEP 2: Apply in a way to paint the entire floor and wall area with the brush, wool roller with height of 19 mm or broad brush, (without structuring screen).

STEP 3: Apply the second coat with the screen HARD FLEXFELT PVC20 on the baseboards (10 cm on the floor and 10 cm on the wall); on the corners, cut the screen diagonally and perform the flaps overlapping.

In strainers, apply the HARD FLEXFELT PVC20, in the PVC pipe, make a cross-shaped cut with 8 flaps in the HARD FLEXFELT PVC20, fold the flaps inside the pipe and apply the 2nd coat;

Apply the HARD FLEXFELT-PVC146, take care so that the screen is perfectly stretched when placed on the substrate, preventing it to be wrinkled. The screens overlapping should be of 5 cm.

STEP 4: Apply the 3rd and 4th coat;

The time between coats is the touch dry.

Important: always dampen the brush, broad brush, or roller with the mixture, in order to assure a good coating in each coat.


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