Hard was born In the city of Porto Alegre
Focusing on technical sales, the dream becomes true.

Innovation and entrepreneurship are in Hard Group’s DNA. This can be seen in every step throughout our history, since our foundation in 1985. Technical sales pioneer in Brazil, Hard was born from the will of mechanical engineer Larri Hartmann to make the customer’s daily life easier through innovation.
Focusing on technical sales, the dream becomes true.
Rollout of Hard's first line of products, which already brought up an element that would become the core of our next products: innovation. The epoxy resins for recovery, and the cold coating of pumps and valves were provided with a better abrasion resistance than steel.
The sales of special screws roll out: Hi-Lo double thread for plastic, lobulars and self-drilling for industry and civil construction.
Manufacture of PU foams for surfboards.
Beginning of sales of special high performance grease and lubricants
Offer of self-drilling screws, replacing rivets in bus floors.
Expansion of operations to the entire southern region of the country and signing the first contracts for technical and commercial partnerships with companies in the USA and Europe.
The importation of screws from the USA begins. Resale of self-drilling fastener with high performance anticorrosive coating for metallic covers.
Resale of 304 stainless steel screws for fixing metal roofing – resale of Ultimate screws – purchase of the Kesternich machine.
Manufacture of self-drilling screws with the “H” mark on the head, in-house production of self-drilling screw with anticorrosive ECOSEAL® coating, Hard exclusive.
Rollout of the Color Head system for screws. The sales of PC 6N resin and G130/30 hardener in the ceramic industry begins. It begins the importation of resins from Italy and PU sheets from the USA.
It is launched the first website. It begins the sales of PU plates (PH-5210) for foundry models, which ends up replacing steel and aluminum. It begins the sales of resins and polyurethane (PU) plates for modeling and tooling. First sheet sales contract for the automotive industry.
It is rolled out the Tacky-Tape® tape, a solution for sealing metal roofs. A branch in Joinville (SC) is opened.
The branch in São Paulo (SP) is opened, focusing on the metal construction segment.
The headquarters is transferred to Joinville (SC) and the construction of our first own headquarter begins. The in-house manufacture of maintenance and modeling resins begins.
Grand opening of Hard’s own headquarter, in Joinville (SC). Rollout of DURS REPAIR.
Beginning of the manufacturing of the ZINMEC® coating, galvanizing and mechanical galvanizing. Manufacture of maintenance and modeling resins begins.
Rollout of the HARD MODEL and HARD STAMP systems in the automotive industry. Grand opening of Hard’s second building.
Implementation of HIT – Business Management System. Releases: WEDGE BOLT – TAPPER – TRAK-IT. Partnership with an American company for supply of exclusive anchor bolts systems.
Rollout of the HTV – Hard Training Vehicle, the first on-site training vehicle in the segment. Launch of the Hardfix® and Hardthane® lines.
Rollout of the ZAPHIR® Line, the first stainless steel self-drilling fastener in Brazil. Hard turns 25 years old.
Grand opening of the third building of Hard, with the expansion of the storage area. Launch of the PR 0100 cellular polyurethane sheet, with low density and easy machinability. Hard brings to the Brazilian market the Nodopox 50, first high technology machine that enables the development of complete models through the Epoxy Raku-Tool paste.
Purchase of the UV chamber, for accelerated weather testing, and rollout of the Over Head Fastening System, the Hardbolt Anchor, the Battery Sealant Applicator and the C5 and AG Gas Fastening System.
Modernization of its laboratories, with the replacement of two chambers: one with Salt Spray, which simulates the maritime environment and the aggressions caused by saline mist, and another with Kesternich, which simulates acid rain, present in environments of intense pollution.
Hard, in a pioneering way in Brazil, conquers the important international certification FM Approval, proving that the brand's products are in compliance with world-class requirements. Rollout of the new line of Sealants (Hardthane® MS, Hardthane® SMP and Hardflex®).
Rollout of Premium products for the Chemical Anchoring line and the HDF software. Grand opening of our own headquarters in São Paulo (SP) and the application of a new marketing direction. Hard is well prepared for the next 30 years, once, future belongs to those who believe it is possible to do more and improve everyday.
Hard expands its horizons and starts exporting to other Latin American countries. In addition to that, a new website was launched, with new navigation system and modern layout.
Hard Indústria changes its corporate name to Brahen Indústria e Comércio de Polímeros Ltda.
Hard launches a new website available for all digital platforms, as well as its blog where are gathered all the news, tips, guides and information related to the segments in which it operates.
Launch of water proofer, silicones and sealants lines for retail (MS Fix and PU Roof Sealing lines).
Rollout of Infinity hybrid grout, a new category of grouts.
New factory for the manufacture of sealants, adhesives and waterproofing agents. Hard Group purchases TKM Usinados.